Lymm Rushbearing Festivities
Altrincham and Bowden Guardian, 14th August, 1878, p5

Extracts from the Press Report

These annual festivities commenced on Saturday morning, and were continued on Monday and Tuesday.
The rush cart, witch was once a great source of attraction, has been neglected for some years, as there is not now the same demand for the rushes, which used to be taken out of the cart and placed in the Parish Church. Hassocks* are now used in preference to the rushes; and the drawing of the cart through the village is simply commemorative of "the good old times".

Two sets of strangely-attired Morris dancers turned out early on the morning of the first named day, and, not withstanding the drenching rain, performed the usual short dance in front of most of the houses in the village , accompanied by an amateur band. 

* Hassock: Clump of grass?

The Press Report

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Last updated 08 April 2020